MomForward5K Childcare Grant

All moms deserve the gold-standard race experience! That's why we're introducing MomForward5K Childcare Grants for ALL participants (in person & virtual!). We believe childcare should be standard, not a luxury, for any race. ‍MomForward5K Childcare Grants will be awarded to individuals participating in the 2024 MomForward5K event, either in person or virtually. While these moms may not be professional athletes, the narrative too often remains that they can't fully participate in events like this due to the burden of childcare or the guilt of taking time "for themselves." Our shared belief is that mothers should not have to choose between participating in such events and their responsibilities at home. The MomForward5K Childcare Grants will help alleviate the financial burden of childcare, allowing these women to enjoy and engage in the race without added stress.


  1. Must be registered in 2024 MomForward5K, 1 Mile, Virtual 5k, or Virtual 1 Mile

  2. Must provide copy of Race Registrant's identification* (driver’s license, passport, government-issued ID)

  3. Must provide copy of childcare provider identification* and/or credentials 

  4. Must provide receipt of childcare provided between June 1-9, 2024

  5. Application and required documents must be submitted by 11:59 pm PT June 30, 2024

  6. If awarded grant, you are giving permission for &Mother to share your story on social media

Rules & Regulations:

  • &Mother to award MomForward5k Childcare Grant of up to $100 per household to 30 applicants that meet eligibility requirements

  • &Mother will reimburse the full amount paid for childcare (up to $100) based on the receipt provided

  • Limit of $100 per household, regardless of number of children in the household

  • Payment will be received July 2024

    *Identification documents are for internal verification use only and will be deleted within 30 days.

For more information about eligibility requirements, please visit the application form here.

Access to affordable childcare continues to be a crisis in U.S. When the American Rescue Plan, and subsequent Childcare Stabilization Program, expired on September 30, 2023, the steep drop in federal funding created the “childcare cliff.” According to the U.S. Department of Health and Services, these COVID-19 pandemic response funds served “220,000 child care providers, spared the jobs of more than 1 million early educators, and enabled ongoing care for as many as 9.6 million children.”

The withdrawal of these funds is projected to impact more than three million children in the U.S. A report by The Century Project estimated that some 70,000 childcare programs across the country will likely close in response to the end of the American Rescue Plan. Those that survive may still be forced to cut hours, decrease staffing, and/or increase tuition prices.

It comes as no surprise that moms shoulder the burden of the “childcare cliff.” Wendy Chun-Hoon, Women’s Bureau Director at the National Database of Childcare Prices at the Department of Labor, warns about how this effects women’s workforce participation.

“[W]here childcare prices are high—mothers are less likely to be employed outside the home, even in places with higher wages. Reducing out-of-pocket childcare expenses for families would support higher employment, particularly among women, lift more families out of poverty, and reduce disparities in employment and early care and education.”

If you would like to help fund a childcare grant to help offset this crisis, please click the donate button below.